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How to set up Tatenhill or Rangemore email accounts in Outlook Express
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FIRST THING.. If this account is new and has been set up by Kijoma for you and we supplied a temporary password then BEFORE following this tutorial you will need to visit the Webmail page and log in to set the password to one of your choice.

Click here for Webmail instructions > webmail

Now for how to set up outlook express

Open Outlook Express

Left mouse Click the Tools menu, and then Left click on Accounts...

This box appears.

Left Click Add, and then Left Click "Mail" ..

Enter your name as you would like other people to see it (note: this is not your email address)

Left click on "next" and on the next window type in your email address e.g. , you can use capitals if you like as Email addresses are not case sensitive. The capitalisation will show at the recipient.

Left click on thr "Next" button, now enter the details in these boxes exactly as shown below

Left Click on "Next" again, in the next window enter your full email address in the "Account name:" box, note: log in names can be case sensitive so keep it all lower case to be sure.

In the password box type in your supplied Email password. Type this exactly as it comes including capital letters where applicable e.g. PaSSwoRD35

Tick the save password button if it is unticked. Then Left click on "Next"

Left Click "Finish"

Now this takes you back to this window with your newly created email account, you now need to left click on the new account so it is highlighted then click on the "properties" button on the right. (double clicking the account line has the same effect)

In this box, Left Click on the "Advanced" tab at the top . First tick both of the "this server requires a secure connection" tick boxes. Then replace the numbers in POP and SMTP boxes to match the ones in the picture below. (Left click on each box then delete the number in there and type in the new one)

Do not click OK or Apply yet.

Now click the "Servers" tab at the top of the window so you see the window below. In here you only need to tick the "My server requires authentication" box.

Once this is all done, Left click on the "OK" button and Left click CLOSE on the remaining window to finish.


Created by: admin last modification: Sunday 02 of May, 2010 [21:58:53 UTC] by admin

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